Monday, September 24, 2007


“Will you write me a blog?” she said me once.

There's only one explanation – I dare to! How many could stand before the sunshine straight face and say “She could use a few driving lessons, but, uh, other than that, she's all right”.

I met the little brat from school picture book whom I hardly knew much, other than now. Grown from her blue tunics to a nice cheerful little neighborhood, brighter as “Sun”, a rogue river-child; freed of bolted and steel-barred restraints seeking tributaries. I admit and owe that this homecoming season wouldn’t be an eventful if *she* hadn’t been there.

Let’s admit she was the perfect muse (okay, now you can feed to your narcissism) but on serious note, SHE IS. Vivacious, engaging, affectionate but isn’t blonde (sic). Meeting Solna was a nice experience, in fact she leaves you with sweetness like Danish pastries from Wengers®. Chewy soft filler guarded with hard crusty outline sweaking non-stop like spongy globs of jelly. You gotta boil it, till the glue gets soft. They think 'cause she’s a woman she’s supposed to be "Miss Merry Sunshine". Well the hell with that!

Exaggerate? Over-estimate? Nah…Do you like her? Hmm…Oh! I forget, even after 14-years she still stings like a bee.

A strange bit of curiosity crept on me (in fact) I was more observant as I spent couple of days listening to her only to realize what lies beneath. "All sunshine makes a desert". Yea…!

At time I felt like standing on the banks of river—no gurgling streams but a fading stretch that lose its way to the desert. You think she a feminist (hmm…) I, on the contrary, find her a mellowed and lost. With grievous eyes and desolate loneliness, she dwells in herself.

Solna! The name suits her best.

It reminds me looking at the sun shining brightly and radiant but ‘there isn’t a single star to keep the companionship. The lonely Sun! Stripped away of life's denial it’s burning itself inside her I was close enough to feel her scars. I never felt I will be meeting the spirited tomboy from the school picture book changed to a spindly woman seeking tributaries.

A single sunrise she stored away in the soul.
And a brave heart! We call her CEAT

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm! That was flattering err I am really feeling on the top of the world and the Sun is shining bright and its the only one. Have not you heard "its lonely at the top"? Well,thats some philosophy at the end of the day from Jutland..or is this begining of a sunny day? Tacksumicka!
