Monday, July 23, 2007

Happy Reunion Week

So, what now for the blog?
Sometimes friends and ol’ relation take time to grow but what would you call when ‘a long lost relation’ resumes "somehow". Well…a reunion was the code of the week. It is a way to keep old bonds and build new ones with spongy chocolate lemon cakes, scrumptious nostalgias and chilled beer served with fish fingers dipped in salmon mayonnaise (- mustard).

Back to the event, the dawn is yet to break as I smoked (my fourth) in this early hours. For last one-and-half hour, I walked the crowded streets bathed in fluorine lights watching every soul who step-out from luxurious Volvo’s - in search of known two. The clock moved slowly and time mowed as my heart began to sink and eyes get drowsy. Its 2:30 a.m. The phone ranged and the two esquires (s2) were on the other end; in the city. Cheerfully, I walked faster than any sprinter and in the dead of the night bathed with fluorescent glares, the three soul’s reunited – face to face, skin over skin, soulfully.

It take fourteen lonely years to travel back the time and hark to good times of life. S2 [Shantanu and Sandeep] and I have been friends since we were children. Like I said, we have a little common "history" that longer than anyone to block out. There is a series of do-you-remember events, classmates, achievements and failures…I missed many of them for the longing 14-years. And! After all these 14-years when you *hug* him close and tight with flesh-to-flesh; souls crack down.

Next, 42-hours I hardly slept. We chatted like we’ll never able to communicate …and words get invented. Strolled, shopped, giggled, laughed, and known each other…we inventing ourselves in new way. At last darkness has come to gift each one a new weekend and get back to our respective lives. Well I should wrap this up before I start to ramble. So, *Goodbye* till we re-unite again.

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